Ways to Support Trinity Las Américas

We support TLA with prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Apoyamos a TLA con oraciones, presencia, ofrendas, servicio y testimonio.

Please use the links below to make an online donation through PayPal or Givelify. Recurring donations can be arranged through Vanco or Givelify. Another option is to mail a check to the church.  If you would like your donation to go towards a specific purpose, please write that in the comment section online, or designate it on your check. The following funds may be designated:

  • General / Operating
  • Cornerstone Historical Project / Red Door Campaign
  • Pastor's Emergency Discretion



VANCO Electronic Gifts

VANCO Authorization Form
Make a one-time gift or a recurring gift electronically through Vanco. Download and fill out the form linked above and
take or mail it to the office (address in right column).


Please contact us after sending your PayPal donation if you are unable to add a memo and would like your gift designated for a specific purpose rather than to the general operating budget:
515-288-4056 or [email protected].


Payable to:
Trinity Las Américas

Mail to:
P.0. Box 41005

Des Moines, IA 50311


Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am worship services.